about me

Perlan, Reykjavik

Perlan, Reykjavik

Why photography?

The world is a beautiful place… sometimes I forget, photography makes me remember.

I’ve been into photography for about twenty years, I stared out with a Canon 35mm SLR and then got a hold of a Mamiya 330 (120 format) I studied at Edinburgh College of Art (which included studying at MICA in Baltimore, Maryland) and spent a lot of my time in the dark room, then everyone went digital I got myself a Nikon DSLR and taught myself photoshop, but I missed the darkroom.

I started looking into screen printing, it combines elements that are so familiar to the darkroom process but with endless creative possibilities.

In 2013, with the help of my husband we started building a small screen printing studio in our attic, it was perfect…unless it was summertime or wintertime as it wasn’t exactly insulated, but I learned a lot in the time I had. When we moved back to Edinburgh in 2015 I had to say goodbye to the little attic studio space however I found a local artist community (Process Studios) with access to screen printing facilities and I was up and running again.

This website is my playground and sketchbook.

I have an etsy shop where I sell my prints
or you can follow me in Intagram @zoeatherfold
or on twitter @zoeatherfold